Tag Archives: toxin free cleaner

The diverse power of “GSE”

Grapefruit Seed Extract (“GSE”)

In a world that is loaded with hidden (and obvious) toxins and waste, I really take care of my immune system but I also do my share to help the future of the planet. One of  the easiest ways to start making a difference is to use Grapefruit Seed Extract “GSE”.  GSE can be diluted and used for everything from detoxifying your body to cleaning cutting boards. Among it’s many benefits is the elimination of plastic bottles that household cleaners and vegetable washes are packaged in.  I suggest buying a couple of stainless steel spray bottles for your household and enjoying the benefits of toxic free GSE.  A bottle of Grapefruit Seed Extract is typically between $11.00 and $17.00 based on the size.  However, GSE is super concentrated and one bottle will last well over six months offering a substantial savings over time.

Household uses for GSE:

All Purpose cleaner

Add 20 drops of GSE and 10 drops of Tea Tree Oil to any twenty-four ounce pump sprayer.  Then fill it with purified water to naturally clean and disinfect any surface in your home.

Produce/Nut/Bulk Grain Wash

For bulk washing, use a stainless steel or glass bowl.  Cover your produce or grain etc. with cold, purified water.  Add the amount of drops of GSE equivalent to the quantity of produce your are washing or 3 drops for every one (1) cup of small items.   For example, if you are washing 2 apples and 1 lemon; add three of drops of GSE then soak your produce for 2-4 minutes.  If you are soaking two cups of raw nuts or grains; add six drops of GSE and soak for 15-20 minutes .   Be sure to thoroughly air or towel-dry everything before refrigerating or storing.  It is wise to always soak rice, raw beans, nuts (legumes) and/or raw seeds.  By soaking these foods for  a minimum of 15 minutes before consuming or cooking them it will diminish mold and traces of pesticides and feces that are commonly found on bulk foods.  Soaking also makes nuts easier to digest eliminating common gastrointestinal issues associated with nuts or legumes.

Cutting board cleaner

Apply five to ten drops to your wood or bamboo cutting boards and work in with a clean damp sponge or fresh dish cloth.  Let stand thirty minutes and rinse.

Organic Garden Pesticide

Add ten to twelve drops  of GSE to a 16-18 ounce spray bottle that also contains one large, whole clove of peeled, raw garlic and  fill the bottle with purified water. Spray the produce in your garden as needed while it is green and developing to naturally detour common garden pests.  You can also use this spray on the leaves of indoor and outdoor plants if they are attracting unwelcome guests.  Please remember to avoid spraying leaves and produce while in the direct sun light and/or at the peak heat of the day as it may cause them to burn or wilt.


GSE has been shown to exercise significant antibiotic effects in test tube studies. Adding a few drops to 8 ounces of water or your favorite juice will help combat strep, staph, salmonella, e-coli, Candida, influenza, parasites, fungi, and more.

Click here to view an amazing website that lists 180 uses for Grapefruit Seed Extract.