Author Archives: Amanda Powers L.M.T, N.C.

Breathing and Stress Management

The Art and Science of Breathing

As my personal journey continues I am constantly reminded to slow down.  By consciously making the effort to do so,  it becomes apparent how few deep and restorative breaths we may actually take throughout the day.  At times it may be easy to encounter multiple stressful situations over a short period of time.  When a situation can not change try modifying your reaction to the circumstances at hand and become very conscious of your breathe.  Begin breathing in through your nose, filling your diaphragm completely then  exhale through your mouth slowly until your belly totally deflates.  Sometimes this is referred to as “belly breathing” because when executed properly, you will see your belly rise on inhale and fall on exhale.  If  your chest is the only part of your body moving when you breathe,  this  is a sign that you are not doing it  properly.

“Remember to breathe”.  I know, that seems so obvious right?   Well, the next time you catch yourself taking small shallow breaths with your shoulders elevated up to your ears and a migraine headache; it will become obvious that you have forgotten something…….

According to Mental Health America, stress is toxic to multiple functions of the human body:

“Practicing regular, mindful breathing can be calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders.”

Andrew Weil, M.D.

Since breathing is something we can control and regulate, it is a useful tool for achieving a relaxed and clear state of mind.  Listed below is list of  three simple breathing exercise that promote relaxation and help reduce stress.

You may want to try all three to see how they affect your individual stress and anxiety levels.

  1. The Stimulating Breath
  2. The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise
  3. Breath Counting

Exercise 1:
The Stimulating Breath

The Stimulating Breath is adapted from a yogic breathing technique. Its aim is to raise vital energy and increase alertness.

Inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose, keeping your mouth closed but relaxed. Your breaths in and out should be equal in duration, but as short as possible. This is a noisy breathing exercise. Try for three in-and-out breath cycles per second. This produces a quick movement of the diaphragm, suggesting a bellows.  Breathe normally after each cycle.

Do not do for more than 15 seconds on your first try. Each time you practice the Stimulating Breath, you can increase your time by five seconds or so, until you reach a full minute.

If done properly, you may feel invigorated, comparable to the heightened awareness you feel after a good workout. You should feel the effort at the back of the neck, the diaphragm, the chest and the abdomen. Try this breathing exercise the next time you need an energy boost and feel yourself reaching for a cup of coffee.

Exercise 2:
The 4-7-8 Breathe

This exercise is utterly simple, takes almost no time, requires no equipment and can be done anywhere. Although you can do the exercise in any position, sit with your back straight while learning the exercise. Place the tip of your tongue against the ridge of tissue just behind your upper front teeth, and keep it there through the entire exercise. You will be exhaling through your mouth around your tongue; try pursing your lips slightly if this seems awkward.

  • Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
  • Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four.
  • Hold your breath for a count of seven.
  • Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.

This is one breath. Now inhale again and repeat the cycle three more times for a total of four breaths.

Note that you always inhale quietly through your nose and exhale audibly through your mouth. The tip of your tongue stays in position the whole time. Exhalation takes twice as long as inhalation. The absolute time you spend on each phase is not important; the ratio of 4:7:8 is important. If you have trouble holding your breath, speed the exercise up but keep to the ratio of 4:7:8 for the three phases. With practice you can slow it all down and get used to inhaling and exhaling more and more deeply.

This exercise is a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system. Unlike tranquilizing drugs, which are often effective when you first take them but then lose their power over time, this exercise is subtle when you first try it but gains in power with repetition and practice. Do it at least twice a day. You cannot do it too frequently. Do not do more than four breaths at one time for the first month of practice. Later, if you wish, you can extend it to eight breaths. If you feel a little lightheaded when you first breathe this way, do not be concerned; it will pass.

Once you develop this technique by practicing it every day, it will be a very useful tool that you will always have with you. Use it whenever anything upsetting happens – before you react.  Use it whenever you are aware of internal tension. Use it to help you fall asleep. This exercise cannot be recommended too highly.  Everyone can benefit from it.

Exercise 3:
Breath Counting

If you want to get a feel for this challenging work, try your hand at breath counting, a deceptively simple technique much used in Zen practice.

Sit in a comfortable position with the spine straight and head inclined slightly forward. Gently close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Then let the breath come naturally without trying to influence it. Ideally it will be quiet and slow, but depth and rhythm may vary.

  • To begin the exercise, count “one” to yourself as you exhale.
  • The next time you exhale, count “two,” and so on up to “five.”
  • Then begin a new cycle, counting “one” on the next exhalation.

Never count higher than “five,” and count only when you exhale. You will know your attention has wandered when you find yourself up to “eight,” “12,” even “19.”
Try to do 10 minutes of this form of meditation.

What can actually go in your Recycle Bin and why does it matter?


“Can this be Recycled?”

How many times have you asked yourself that very question?

Why should you care enough to take the time to find out what can be recycled then to clean your trash and then to place it in specific bins?

Well, check out the map below of the Oceanic Garbage Patches located on innocent Mother Earth.  That’s right, massive swirling patches of  human generated trash that exist in our Ocean’s; 85% of the patches are debris from products made  out of plastic.  The patch located in the Pacific Ocean is twice as large as the state of Texas and up to 90 feet deep in some areas.  These non-decaying, swirls of trash are killing precious ocean life and destroying our environment.

The next time you ask yourself, “Can this be Recycled?”, please remember that every little bit counts.  By making a conscious effort to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle you can do your part in stunting Oceanic Garbage Patches.  Please take the time to review the list below of Recyclable and Non-Recyclable items in the City of Fort Worth, TX and help make a difference.

You can find out more about the devastating Oceanic Garbage Patches at: and at,

The Garbage Patch is located within the North Pacific Gyre, one of the five major oceanic gyres.
There are five major oceanic trash vortex’s known as Gyre’s.

City of Fort Worth – Garbage & Recycling
Environmental Management Department
“Put These In Your Blue Recycling Cart”

Paper (Paper clips and staples are OK.)

  • Advertising circulars
  • Carbonless paper
  • Cardboard – corrugated cardboard. Large boxes must be broken down or cut to fit inside the cart.
  • Catalogs
  • Envelopes – with or without windows
  • Junk mail
  • Magazines
  • Newspapers – all sections
  • Office paper – file folders, letterhead, sticky notes, printer paper, calendars, school papers
  • Paperback books
  • Paperboard – cereal boxes (liners removed), soda and beer carry cartons, dry goods packaging, paper towel and toilet paper cores.
  • Paper bags
  • Phone books

Metal Containers (Please rinse. Labels can be left on.)

  • Aluminum drink cans – do not flatten
  • Aluminum baking tins – durable; not disposable
  • Steel or tin food cans and lids
  • Empty aerosol cans – with spray nozzle; remove plastic lid unless part of the can
  • Empty steel paint cans – must be empty and dry; a thin skin of dry paint on bottom and sides is OK; remove lid and recycle

Glass Containers (Please rinse. Labels can be left on. All colors accepted.)

  • Bottles and jars – remove metal and plastic lids and recycle
  • Ceramics
  • China
  • Dishes
  • Mirrors – must fit inside cart with lid closed
  • Windowpanes – no auto glass

Plastic Containers (Please rinse. All colors accepted. Must be hard plastics.)

  • Bottles, cups and jars – with #1 through #7 recycling symbols on bottom of container; remove caps and lids and recycle
  • Food trays, tubs and bowls – with #1 through #7 recycling symbols on bottom of container
  • Plastic eating utensils

City of Fort Worth – Garbage & Recycling
Environmental Management Department
“DO NOT Put These In Your Blue Recycling Cart”

  • Household trash
  • Aluminum foil
  • Auto glass
  • Clothing or bedding
  • Drink boxes and straws
  • Garden hoses
  • Gift wrap and greeting cards
  • Hangers (plastic or metal)
  • Hard cover books
  • Light bulbs
  • Medical waste(including syringes, lancets, IV bags and tubing, and medications)
  • Paper milk and juice cartons
  • Paper that comes into contact with moist food, including pizza boxes, some frozen food containers, waxed drinking cups, etc.
  • Plastic containers that held hazardous materials such as gasoline, motor oil, paint, pesticide or weed killer. Throw empty containers in trash. Dispose of leftover household chemicals for free at the Environmental Collection Center, 6400 Bridge St. Call 817-871-5257 for hours of operation, directions and a complete list of materials accepted or visit
  • Plastic bags including grocery sacks, dry cleaners bags, newspaper wrappers, etc.
  • Toys
  • Styrofoam® (foamed polystyrene) cups, food containers, formed packing, “peanuts”, etc.
  • Waxed paper and waxed food containers
  • Yard trimmings

Courtesy of

Healthy Affordable Foods

Healthy and affordable foods; fuel your body and honor your budget.

Nutritional foods are inexpensive when you know where to look.  I am a huge fan of bulk bins which offer the opportunity to try different types of oats, grains, seeds and nuts without having to commit to large quantities until you have tried them out.

Continue reading “Healthy Affordable Foods” »

The Four Agreements

Don Miguel Ruiz is the international bestselling author of a series of books including The Four Agreements (over 7 years on The New York Times bestseller list).

He has dedicated his life to sharing the wisdom of the ancient Toltec through his books, lectures, and journeys to sacred sites around the world.

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, A Toltec Wisdom Book [SPECIAL EDITION] (Hardcover)

The Four Agreements Toltec Wisdom Collection: 3-Book Boxed Set (Paperback)

According to Review
Sit at the foot of a native elder and listen as great wisdom of days long past is passed down. In The Four Agreements shamanic teacher and healer Don Miguel Ruiz exposes self-limiting beliefs and presents a simple yet effective code of personal conduct learned from his Toltec ancestors. Full of grace and simple truth, this handsomely designed book makes a lovely gift for anyone making an elementary change in life, and it reads in a voice that you would expect from an indigenous shaman. The four agreements are these: Be impeccable with your word. Don’t take anything personally. Don’t make assumptions. Always do your best. It’s the how and why one should do these things that make The Four Agreements worth reading and remembering. –P. Randall Cohan –This text refers to the Paperback edition.

The second option is a three-book set of the authors most widely acclaimed works:

The Four Agreements (see review above);

The Mastery of Love illuminates the fear-based beliefs and assumptions that undermine love and lead to suffering and drama in our relationships.

The Voice of Knowledge reminds us of a profound and simple truth: The only way to end our emotional suffering and restore our joy in living is to stop believing in lies — mainly about ourselves.

Personalized Nutrition


As a Certified Nutritional Consultant and First Line Therapy Lifestyle Educator, I understand that changing your eating habits is not an easy task. This is made that much more difficult by the demands of a job and family. It is hard to break from a bad habit, when that habit enables you to save time or is just made easier because of familiarity. Equally important in changing poor nutrition and eating habits is to replace it with proper nutrition and good eating habits. It does no good to move from one poor habit to the next.

My goal is to help you change your lifestyle to a healthy one. It is a Therapeutic Lifestyle Approach, which incorporates a multi-pronged approach.


Although many of the Therapeutic Lifestyle Plans are offered only through the Fort Worth office. The Therapeutic Life Style plans or portions of the plans may be adjusted to suit non-residents, who would like to work together via telephone and internet. Similarly, those with access to the Fort Worth office will find that they have options in designing a lifestyle approach. I have put together some list of the most popular packages that I offer, of course, even these can be customized.



One of the core services that I offer is weekly menu planning. These meal plans lay out what you need so that it also assists you with grocery shopping. Meal plans are based on numerous factors, including the amount of caloric intake, as well as information the information that you provide. Here is a sample meal plan for one week.


Contact Us if you have any questions or to get an estimate for your personalized program.

What is The Nia Technique?

Nia Promotional Video 2005 from Nia Technique on Vimeo.

Nia is movement-medicine for the body and soul.

Nia was created in the early 1980’s by Debbie Rosas and Carlos Rosas, then fitness professionals in Marin County, California, searching for a smarter and less painful way to work out and stay fit.

The philosophy of Nia is based on the pleasure principle: If it feels good, keep doing it; if it hurts, stop and adapt what you do to feel better.  Nia is a workout, lifestyle and personal growth program. More than a physical fitness or weight loss program, Nia is a way to condition, heal and transform your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Nia is a system that blends Eastern and Western movements, concepts and philosophy derived from three main movement forms:

Martial Arts:

Tai Chi ~ the slow dance

Tae Kwon Do ~ the dance of precision

Aikido ~ harmonious, spherical motion

Dance Arts:

Jazz ~ fun, showmanship, expression

Modern ~ creating shapes in space

Duncan ~ free-spirited, honest movement

Healing Arts:

The Work of Moshe Feldenkrais ~ conscious awareness of sensation

Alexander Technique ~ movement from the top

Yoga ~ conscious alignment of bones and joints

Nia is based on The Body’s Way, which means, using the body’s design to improve function. The biochemistry, joint and muscle action are triggered using imagination, music, emotion and vocal sound. Movements work with and against gravity and include: abduction, adduction; flexion, extension; eversion, inversion; dorsal flexion, plantar flexion, pronation and supination; horizontal flexion, extension; rotation inward, outward, upward and downward, elevation, depression, and circumduction. Nia addresses the body’s five main sensations: flexibility, strength, mobility, agility and stability and focuses on conditioning the body and the nervous system.

Everything in Nia is perceived, experienced and processed through the body. Nia uses the body to develop Sensory IQ wisdom. The mind is used to imagine witness, focus and direct attention. The emotions are used to personally engage the individual with activity, thereby creating the coupling effect needed to trigger the mind-body connection. Spirit is used to honor the uniqueness of each individual. Nia uses emotion and sound to condition the body and nervous system. Nia’s teaching style emphasizes internally directed guidance, uses visual and sensory language, user-friendly choreography, that can be adapted to fit personal needs, and includes three stages of learning for all levels of ability.

Read Testimonials about how Nia has changed peoples lives

Come take a class with me in Fort Worth, TX

"It's a lifestyle, not a diet"

“It’s a lifestyle, not a diet”

If you would like to take a group class with me please click on the facilities name listed below to find out details on their class rates and membership information.

Colonial Country Club (Members Only)

Solea, Tavolo Park (Residents Only)

I also provide customized exercise plans for individuals, couples and small groups  at your home or office or in my studio.  A variety of fitness techniques can be explored based on my client’s individual surroundings, abilities and goals. Please email me at to discuss personal training or small groups.

I am not currently teaching Nia but to find a Nia class near you, go to


Exercise Tips

Exercise tips:

jumpFor exercise that is fun, offers heart health and body toning and can be done in your very own living room try Hula Hooping. Spinning the classic hoop around your waist during the commercials of your favorite television shows will slow down the tendency to eat out of boredom, improve circulation and burn anywhere between 100 and 150 calories for every thirty minutes of spinning.

By simply dancing around your home for thirty minutes to your favorite tunes you can burn approximately 200 calories per half hour.

Another great exercise is just walking. Not only does it burn calories, stretch muscles, it gives you an opportunity to get out in the sunshine and enjoy the outdoors.


One of the simplest ways to start on the road to good health and changing poor habits is walking. That’s right, putting one foot in front of the other. The tips listed above are from First Line Therapy.

Serving Sizes

The serving size dilemma….

America’s FastFood Nation has set the pace for over sized portions and super sized sugary drinks promoting the increase of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and many more chronic illness’ brought on by a unhealthy lifestyle. What you eat is important but how much you eat is critical.

One of the easiest ways to loose and/or maintain weight is understanding what a healthy serving size is. Consuming small and frequent meals primarily of fresh fruit, vegetables and lean protein is the key to a successful metabolism.  By following this guide below you will be able to make sure your idea of a serving size is optimal.  Remember, even if you eat healthfully, too much of a good thing is still too much.

Tips for Estimating Serving Sizes

compliments of


The Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta Group
1 pancake a compact disc (CD)
1/2 cooked cup rice a cupcake wrapper full
1 piece of cornbread a bar of soap
1 cup of pasta, spaghetti, cereal a fist
2 cups of cooked pasta a full outstretched hand
1 cup of potatoes, rice, pasta a tennis ball, ice cream scoop


The Vegetable Group
1 cup green salad a baseball or a fist
1 baked potato a fist
3/4 cup tomato juice a small styrofoam cup
1/2 cup cooked broccoli a scoop of ice cream or a light bulb
1/2 cup serving 6 asparagus spears; 7 or 8 baby carrots or carrot sticks or 1 ear of corn on the cob


The Fruit Group
1/2 cup of grapes (15 grapes) a light bulb
1/2 cup of fresh fruit 7 cotton balls
1 medium size fruit a tennis ball or a fist
1 cup of cut-up fruit a fist
1/4 cup raisins a large egg


The Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese Group
1 ounce of cheese a pair of dice or your thumb
1 1/2 ounces cheese 3 dominoes or your index and middle fingers
1 cup of ice cream a large scoop the size of a baseball


The Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Bean, Egg, and Nut Group
2 tablespoons peanut butter a ping-pong ball
1 teaspoon peanut butter a fingertip
1 tablespoon peanut butter a thumb tip
3 ounces cooked meat, fish,
a palm, a deck or cards or a cassette tape
3 ounces grilled/baked fish a checkbook
3 ounces cooked chicken a chicken leg and thigh or breast


Fats, Oils and Sweets
2 tablespoons salad dressing a ping-pong ball
1 teaspoon butter, margarine size of a stamp the thickness of your finger or a thumb tip


Snack Foods
1 ounce of nuts or small candies one handful
1 ounce of chips or pretzels two handfuls
1/2 cup of potato chips, crackers
or popcorn
one man’s handful
1/3 cup of potato chips, crackers
or popcorn
one woman’s handful


Serving Dishes/Utensils
1/2 cup a small fruit bowl, a custard cup or mashed potato scoop
1 1/2 cups a large cereal/soup bowl
1 1/2 cups of pasta, noodles a dinner plate, not heaped
1/2 cup of pasta, noodles a cafeteria vegetable dish

Measuring Tip: You might want to know that… a cupped hand holds 2 tablespoons of liquid if you don’t have measuring spoons.

Healthy Tips for Dining Out

Healthy Tips for Dining Out:


So many times when we try to change a bad habit it is more difficult to succeed when it feels like we are going to miss out on something enjoyable. If you are making a conscious effort to eat healthier that doesn’t mean you can never eat at a restaurant again. Here are a few tips for dining out without the guilt:

Continue reading “Healthy Tips for Dining Out” »

“Don’t Drink The Water”

trash water 2

How safe is your tap water?

Not only is drinking ENOUGH water essential for health and well being, drinking QUALITY water is equally important for all functions of the human body.

Dr. Oz featured the Aquasana Shower and Whole House Water Filters on the “Don’t Drink The Water” show that aired on October 20, 2009, it reinforced how essential is to understand the water quality of your community (click here for the 2008 City of Fort Worth, water quality report).  If the water you and your family are consuming and bathing in is full of pesticides and other toxic residue, it begins to defeat the purpose of drinking water to eliminate waste and to restore optimal cell function.  Toxic water is often orderless, colorless and tasteless but can potentially cause major physical, mental and dental issues.  As Dr. Oz said, “Please filter your water if your City’s water quality report reveals such things as; E-Coli, Arsenic, Lead or Nitrates.

"I have used the Aquasana line of products for the past eight years based on the quality, ease of use and affordability." A.Powers

If a Whole House Water Filtration System is not in your budget or you are a renter; my personal recommendation is a “point of use water filtration system”. This means the filtration mechanism is attached directly to your faucet or shower head. Point of use filters  artrash watere less costly than whole house filters, easily accessed for periodic filter changes  and avoid the hassle of keeping up with water jugs. Another advantage to a point of use filtration system is the avoidance of plastic bottles.Not only are you provided the option to drink out of glass eliminating the potential  of drinking toxins released while the water is stored in plastic; you will also help relieve our overloaded landfills.

Listed below are just a few facts on why drinking quality purified  water is essential for optimal health & well being:

  • The body will not function properly without enough water since over 70% of the human body is comprised from water.
  • Daily water intake should be a minimum of  ½ of your body weight in ounces for optimal metabolic function.
  • During weight loss, extra water is needed to flush out the excess waste discarded by the metabolized fat.
  • Retained water is often caused by dehydration and will look like excess weight causing a bloated feeling.
  • Hydration helps maintain proper muscle tone and helps keep the skin clear, healthy and resilient.

Feel free to contact Amanda Powers if you have any questions regarding the Aquasana line of Water Filtration systems

Changing for Good: A Revolutionary Six-Stage Program for Overcoming Bad Habits and Moving Your Life Positively Forward

If you can only read one book, I think I might recommend that it be Changing for Good: A Revolutionary Six-Stage Program for Overcoming Bad Habits and Moving Your Life Positively Forward by James O. Prochaska, Ph.D, John O. Norcross, Ph.D., and Carlo C. Diclemente, Ph.D.

Product Description

To uncover the secret to successful personal change, three acclaimed psychologists studied more than 1000 people who were able to positively and permanently alter their lives without psychotherapy. They discovered that change does not depend on luck or willpower. It is a process that can be successfully managed by anyone who understands how it works. Once you determine which stage of change
you’re in, you can:

* create a climate where positive change can occur
* maintain motivation
* turn setbacks into progress
* make your new beneficial habits a permanent part of your life

This groundbreaking book offers simple self-assessments, informative case histories, and concrete examples to help clarify each stage and process. Whether your goal is to start saving money, to stop drinking, or to end other self-defeating or addictive behaviors, this revolutionary program will help you implement positive personal
change . . . for life.


Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy

Walter C. Willett, MD.’s book Eat Drink and Be Healthy is another book on the list of recommended reading. Review
Aimed at nothing less than totally restructuring the diets of Americans, Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy may well accomplish its goal. Dr. Walter C. Willett gets off to a roaring start by totally dismantling one of the largest icons in health today: the USDA Food Pyramid that we all learn in elementary school. He blames many of the pyramid’s recommendations–6 to 11 servings of carbohydrates, all fats used sparingly–for much of the current wave of obesity. At first this may read differently than any diet book, but Willett also makes a crucial, rarely mentioned point about this icon: “The thing to keep in mind about the USDA Pyramid is that it comes from the Department of Agriculture, the agency responsible for promoting American agriculture, not from the agencies established to monitor and protect our health.” It’s no wonder that dairy products and American-grown grains such as wheat and corn figure so prominently in the USDA’s recommendations.

Willett’s own simple pyramid has several benefits over the traditional format. His information is up-to-date, and you won’t find recommendations that come from special-interest groups. His ideas are nothing radical–if we eat more vegetables and complex carbohydrates (no, potatoes are not complex), emphasize healthy fats, and enjoy small amounts of a tremendous variety of food, we will be healthier. You’ll find some surprises as well, such as doubts about the overall benefits of soy (unless you’re willing to eat a pound and a half of tofu a day), and that nuts, with their “good” fat content, are a terrific snack. Relying on research rather than anecdotes, this is a solidly written nutritional guide that will show you the real story behind how food is digested, from the glycemic index for carbs to the wisdom of adding a multivitamin to your diet. Willett combines research with matter-of-fact language and a no-nonsense tone that turns academic studies into easily understandable suggestions for living. –Jill Lightner –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

The Optimum Nutrition Bible

I highly recommend this book as suggested reading for anyone interested in nutrition and a better understanding of their body.  The book is by Patrick Holford and it is well written and a great resource for nutritional information.

The book is well organized and has 49 chapters that are divided into 9 part. The 9 parts of of book are:
Part 1- What is Optimum?
Part 2- Defining the Perfect Diet
Part 3- The Wonderful World Within
Part 4- The Benefits of Optimum Nutrition
Part 5- Nutrition for All Ages
Part 6- Your Personal Nutrition Program
Part 7- A to Z of Nutritional Healing
Part 8- Nutrient Fact File A to Z
Part 9- Food Fact File

Good Sleeping Habits

How well you sleep and how long you sleep are also big factors in promoting good health.   It is important that you regularly get good quality sleep and that you get between 8 and 8 1/2 hours of quality sleep.   FirstLine Therapy has many suggestions to make sure that you get the right quality sleep.


Understanding Cholesterol

Understanding Cholesterol

We often hear about the importance of cholesterol and terms like good cholesterol and bad cholesterol.  However, not many people have a healthy understanding of cholesterol and what it means to their health.


There are a lot of factors that can cause or contribute to high cholesterol, among them is diet.  Proper dietary choices is just one potential way to reduce the risk the health risks associated with high levels of cholesterol. Whether its cholesterol or other health concerns, a better diet is a great first step.

High blood cholesterol signals a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. That’s why it’s  important to have your cholesterol levels checked regularly and discuss them with your doctor.

A “lipoprotein profile” is a test to find out your blood cholesterol numbers.   It gives information about total cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and HDL (“good”) cholesterol, as well as triglycerides (blood fats).

The American Heart Association and American Stroke Association have an excellent handout on cholesterol and what healthy levels should be.  Download a free pdf copy of the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association brochure.


Breaking the Cookie Cycle

Do you find yourself in the vicious cookie cycle.   When sugar calls, are you at its mercy?  When you are in the habit of eating cookies or other high Glycemic index foods, you can create physiological reaction that creates cravings for more poor nutritional choices.  Find ways to break the vicious cookie cycle and eat healthier.


In addition to meal planning, we have several options that may help beat your addiction, so that you can beat the cookie cycle.

How can I get calcium without milk?



If I cut dairy products out of my diet, how can I make sure that I get enough calcium in my diet?


You can rest assured that eliminating dairy products from your diet does not lead to a calcium deficiency.

First of all, the processing that milk and dairy products go through drastically degrades its calcium content. Processing removes the good nutrients but unfortunately in leaves the “pus” behind.  That’s right, pus; the dairy industry knows that there is a problem with pus in milk. Accordingly, it has developed a system known as the “somatic cell count” which measures the amount of pus in milk. The somatic cell count is the standard used to gauge milk quality; the higher the somatic cell count, the more pus in the milk.  According to the dairy industry, any milk with a somatic cell count of higher than 200 million per liter should not enter the human food supply. Therefore, anyone living in a state where the somatic cell count is higher than 200 million shouldn’t be drinking milk. There’s only one problem, every state but Hawaii is producing milk with pus levels so high that it shouldn’t enter the human food supply

Did you know that sesame seeds contain more calcium pound for pound than any other food on earth?

Even if you are able to get your hands on non-homogenized milk the calcium in cow’s milk is much coarser than in human milk, and is tied up with casein milk protein, which prevents it from being absorbed by humans.

Green Leafy Vegetables are called Cruciferous Vegetables and are a wonderful source of calcium.

Eating 4 to 6  one cup servings of  green leafy vegetables, non-processed soy, raw nuts and/or fresh fruits, especially berries and citrus, on a daily basis,  will provide all of the calcium you require.

One of the leading causes of calcium deficiency is consumption of carbonated beverages such as Soda Pop.  By removing the “Fizzy Fix” from your daily routine and replacing it with flavored, unsweetened water or an Emergen-C™ you will greatly diminish the catalysts of calcium depletion.  Another way to battle calcium deficiency is exercise.  Exercise that offers soft impact on your bones such as dancing or jogging opposed to swimming or walking is a productive way to maintain bone health.

If you are in good health you may choose to consume dairy products purely for the taste or personal enjoyment.  However, people suffering from serious illnesses such as allergies, asthma, or those who have a difficult time losing weight, produce a lot of mucus, or suspect an allergy to dairy products, should definitely remove dairy from their meal plan and monitor yourself to see if allergies and illness decline.  If you are not sure if dairy is the culprit of existing medical, begin slowly introducing different forms of dairy in very small amounts (i.e. milk, cheese, butter and/or ice cream derived from cow’s milk).  Keep a detailed “diet diary” if it reveals negative effects on your body stop consuming dairy.  Review your results with your medical practitioner if pain or discomfort continues once dairy consumption stops.

Tired of the same results?



officeThank you for visiting.  The intention behind my services and this website is to help create the well being you deserve and are capable of obtaining. I strive to aid my clients  in the reversal of chronic pain and disease that is caused by living in this toxic, modernized, environment.

Personalized and nutritionally valuable meal plans, grocery shopping field trips, private chef services and “whole food” cooking classes , are just a few of the beneficial resources  available here.

Massage Therapy is also available.  Beyond stress relief and relaxation, Massage Therapy stimulates the body’s natural immune system by promoting lymph flow.  Massage Therapy also improves joint flexibility, increases range of motion, promotes blood circulation, encourages tissue regeneration and much more.massage room

The services I offered are much different than today’s common medical approach.   My intent is to more clearly identify and overcome the cause of ill health.  Then, we work together to  improve total body function naturally by nourishing, balancing and revitalizing your entire body.  When this formula is  followed diligently, the technique is powerful, effective, and will reward you with improved health and function that is long lasting!

I look forward to helping you gain a better quality of life through nutrition, fitness, stress management through a simple exchange of information.   Learn more about Amanda Powers L.M.T, N.C.

Thank you again for checking out  Please come back  periodically for healthy recipes,  holistic lifestyle  tips and nutritional news that will help you achieve and maintain the lifestyle you deserve.

Beverages and Nutrition

Changing from poor nutrition to healthy eating habits often starts with an understanding of your current nutritional intake.  One of the largest, but often overlooked, factors in a person’s daily nutritional intake comes from beverages.  Many of today’s beverages provide empty calories with little or no nutritional benefit.  Check out these:

Helpful Beverage Facts:

Coffee and Tea Facts:

16-oz. white chocolate mocha     510 calories
16-oz. latte with whole milk     260 calories
16-oz. latte with nonfat milk     160 calories
16 ounces black coffee     10 calories
16 ounces black tea     2 calories

Juice Facts:

8 ounces pomegranate juice    160 calories
8 ounces cranberry juice    140 calories
8 ounces fruit punch    120 calories
8 ounces orange juice    110 calories

Milk Facts:

8 ounces low-fat chocolate milk    150 calories
8 ounces whole milk    150 calories
8 ounces 2% milk    130 calories
8 ounces 1% milk    120 calories
8 ounces nonfat milk    90 calories

Alcohol Facts:

12 ounces beer     120-180 calories
12 ounces light beer     70-125 calories
2 ounces daiquiri     112 calories
1 shot (1.5 ounces) 80-proof rum     100 calories
4 ounces red or white wine     80 calories

Water Facts:

16 ounces water     0 calories
16 ounces artificially sweetened flavored water     0 calories
16 ounces vitamin- or nutrient-enhanced water     varies; up to 100

Print a pdf of this table for easy reference – Helpful Beverage Facts.