Exercise Tips

Exercise tips:

jumpFor exercise that is fun, offers heart health and body toning and can be done in your very own living room try Hula Hooping. Spinning the classic hoop around your waist during the commercials of your favorite television shows will slow down the tendency to eat out of boredom, improve circulation and burn anywhere between 100 and 150 calories for every thirty minutes of spinning.

By simply dancing around your home for thirty minutes to your favorite tunes you can burn approximately 200 calories per half hour.

Another great exercise is just walking. Not only does it burn calories, stretch muscles, it gives you an opportunity to get out in the sunshine and enjoy the outdoors.


One of the simplest ways to start on the road to good health and changing poor habits is walking. That’s right, putting one foot in front of the other. The tips listed above are from First Line Therapy.